Rainbow of Love Children’s Residence

Since 1981 The Foundation for the Children of Haiti (“FCH”) has cared for children who have either lost their parents or whose families are unable to care for them.
Rainbow of Love (“RoL”) is FCH’s children’s residence, home to 75 school-age children live.

The children at ROL live in family units consisting of 8 to 10 children who are cared for by a House Mother. The children and their House Moms live together like a big family – eating meals together, doing activities together, and living together in an apartment-style residence. This gives the children a sense of security and stability – like a home, not an institution.

House Mom and her children                    

At age 5, all children attend the elementary school at the Village. Once they have completed grade 6, children attend a neighbourhood high school.

The children living at RoL come from a background of extreme poverty. However, at RoL these children move from a life of need, fear and
instability to a home where they receive love, care, an education, and hope for the future.

The Canadian Foundation for the Children of Haiti (“CFCH”) is an all-volunteer fundraising organization that has supported the work of FCH since 1993.
Canadian Foundation for the Children of Haiti
6093 – 145A Street.
Surrey, B.C. V3S 4R6
CFCH is a Canadian Registered Charity
Canada Revenue Agency Business Number 89000 4591 RR0001