Hope Hospital

Hope Hospital

The Foundation for the Children of Haiti (FCH) operates a 50 bed, full service general hospital in Port au Prince, providing quality medical care to the community.

Hope Hospital has steadily expanded since it was established in 1994, and today is one of the most respected medical facilities in Haiti, offering a full range of services from complex surgeries to community health programs.

Hope Hospital has the following departments: two operating rooms, post-operative recovery, obstetrics / gynecology, neonatal intensive care, intensive care, dialysis ,emergency ward, pediatrics, general medical ward, lab, pharmacy, radiology department (X-ray and ultrasound), dermatology, urology, and an active outpatient clinic.

The permanent staff at Hope Hospital are Haitian nationals. The hospital has 170 employees including surgeons, medical specialists, nurses, radiologists, lab techs, pharmacists, care aides, maintenance, and administrative support.

International medical teams regularly operate out of Hope Hospital, performing surgeries and providing community health programs.

Annually the hospital provides care for over 35,000 people through its inpatient and outpatient services. In a country severely lacking quality medical services, Hope Hospital is a standard-setting institution, offering quality care to the population.

The Canadian Foundation for the Children of Haiti (“CFCH”) is an all-volunteer fundraising organization that has supported the work of FCH since 1993.
Canadian Foundation for the Children of Haiti
6093 – 145A Street.
Surrey, B.C. V3S 4R6
CFCH is a Canadian Registered Charity
Canada Revenue Agency Business Number 89000 4591 RR0001