FCH's Elementary Schools

It has been proven over the years and across cultures that education is central to development. Education empowers individuals and strengthens nations. It opens doors, allowing people to lift themselves out of poverty.

The Foundation for the Children of Haiti (FCH) has always been committed to providing a good education to the children under its care in order to prepare them for a productive future.

Today FCH operates 3 elementary schools:

  1. The School of the Good Sower – Located at the site of FCH’s first orphanage near the Port au Prince airport.
  2. New Academy of Excellence – Located at FCH’s Children’s Village in the Delmas area of Port au Prince..
  3. Mussotte School – Located in a rural area southwest of Port au Prince. 

School of the Good Sower

Shortly after establishing the Haiti Home for Children (“HHC”) in 1981, FCH established an elementary school – The School of the Good Sower – at HHC.

Mid-1980’s class at the School of the Good Sower

In the mid-1980’s FCH expanded the school at HHC so that children living in the neighbourhood could attend. This increased enrollment to around 225 students (75 children living at HHC + 150 children from the community).

Students at The School of the Good Sower

New Academy of Excellence

In 2016 FCH completed construction of a new elementary school building at the Children’s Village.

Elementary School at FCH’s Children’s Village

The Village is the site of Rainbow of Love Children’s Residence (“RoL”) and Hope Home, a residence for people with disabilities.
Prior to the new school building being completed, RoL children attended school on the second floor of the children’s residence. Completion of the school building freed up the second floor of the RoL building, allowing FCH to move children from HHC (which was in an unsafe area of Port au Prince) to the Village.
The school at the Village is a first-class education facility with a capacity of around 225 students. Elementary age children living at the Village attend the school and – since there are not enough schools in the area – the school includes children from the neighbourhood.
This is one of the few schools in Haiti that accommodates children with special needs. A number of children living at Hope Home are able to attend along with children with special needs living in the neighbourhood.

Kindergarten Students
Hope Home Resident at school

Once children living at Rainbow of Love complete elementary school they attend high school. There are no public high schools in the area, so FCH covers the tuition for RoL children, allowing them to attend a nearby private high school.

Mussotte Elementary School

In 2009 FCH started an elementary school in Mussotte, a poor rural area in southwest Haiti with few schools available for children from low income families.
The school started in a small, refurbished house, offering grades 1-3. Each year another grade was added and, with expansions to the building in 2011 and 2013, the school now has over 200 children in grades K through 6.

A public high school opened in Mussotte in 2014, allowing children graduating from FCH’s elementary school to continue their education.
FCH’s post-secondary technical and trade school is located a few kilometers from the Mussotte elementary school, opening up opportunities for employment-focused training for young people graduating from high school.
The Mussotte Elementary School has been a tremendous success. It has – and will continue to – change the lives of children, providing them with the first step toward and independent, productive future.

The Canadian Foundation for the Children of Haiti (“CFCH”) is an all-volunteer fundraising organization that has supported the work of FCH since 1993.
Canadian Foundation for the Children of Haiti
6093 – 145A Street.
Surrey, B.C. V3S 4R6
CFCH is a Canadian Registered Charity
Canada Revenue Agency Business Number 89000 4591 RR0001